Saturday, July 30, 2011

Improve The Air Quality in Your Homes

The quality of the air you breathe while at home is contingent on how you maintain the health of your home. In fact, our health condition is more affected by the quality of air indoors than air we breathe outside. Here are some tips to make your home healthier:

Buildings structure: Most buildings nowadays are being constructed to be more air tight to help conserve energy. As a result, bad air that is within your home stays in unless you do something about it. One way to prevent this is to regularly clean the vents in your kitchen, bathroom, and dryers to make sure that they operate properly. Duct cleaning in Lindsay are now available to help you get professional assistance in ensuring better air quality within your home.

Ensure adequate ventilation systems: toxic airborne substances from household products or pesticides are present in the air we breathe while at home. To reduce exposure to these substances make sure that your ventilation systems are working properly. This is will ensure that there is an adequate circulation between outside and indoor air.

When planning any renovations in your home, also consider installing a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide poisoning claims the lives of thousands of people each year. One of the most common symptoms is the flu but if more than one family member is experiencing this symptom and you feel better away from home, you may have a carbon monoxide problem. Install these detectors close to your sleeping rooms protect you and your family.

High humidity can increase the concentration of pollutants. Cooling systems for instance can become a breathing ground for molds and mildew. Hence you should check your roof, foundation and basement each year to catch any leaks or moisture problems. Fix these as quickly as possible to prevent dampness within your homes.

When it comes to sustaining the health of your family, do not cut back on any necessary repairs that needs to get done. If you need to clean out your ventilation system and is unsure how, consult a reliable Etobicoke duct cleaning service professional. It is when your home is flaw-free that you know that your family is safe.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to improve the quality of your home, you have to invite fresh air. Doing this can help you save energy and money. It can also promote good health, as fresh air is beneficial to the lungs.

    Victor Wetherbee
